IJORP PUBLISHES ONCE A YEAR! (We have started receiving manuscripts for Issue 5 Volume 3, 2024.)

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Paper title
Failure Of Public Sector And Its Reform: A Nigerian Perspective

Paper author
Ekeyi, Emeka Oluchukwu

Author Email
[email protected]

This paper focused on the critical evaluation of the failure of public sector in Nigeria. The general objective of this study was to examine the effects of public sector reforms; while the specific objectives were to determine the effects of human capital development, corruption, capacity utilization and exchange rate on industrial growth in Nigeria. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method was used to estimate the variables. The empirical results revealed that corruption had significant effect on industrial growth; while human capital development had significant positive impact on industrial growth in Nigeria. It was later recommended that Nigeria should intensify efforts in the fight against corruption among other recommendations. Key Words: Public Enterprise, Capacity Utilization, Industrial Growth, Human Capital, Corruption.

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