IJORP PUBLISHES ONCE A YEAR! (We have started receiving manuscripts for Issue 5 Volume 3, 2024.)

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Paper title
A Preliminary Exploration of Ambiguity in English Sentences

Paper author
Umeh Peter Chuka

Author Email
[email protected]

Ambiguity is a common linguistic phenomenon present in many languages, including English. Although it can make the language more dynamic and engaging, it also poses significant challenges for learning and using English effectively. This article aims to categorize English ambiguity into four types: phonetic, lexical, syntactic, and pragmatic. It seeks to identify the underlying causes of ambiguity in the English language and emphasizes that meaning can only be fully understood when sentences are interpreted within a specific context. By examining ambiguous sentences, the article aspires to enhance the comprehension of English and improve communication efficiency. Keywords: Linguistics, Ambiguity, Syntax, English

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