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Paper title
Cloud computing adaptation to educational environment: A model proposition

Paper author
Anameje Chinwe Angela, Nwadialor Calista Uchenna

Author Email
[email protected]

Cloud computing is increasingly being adopted by organizations due to its dynamic scalability and the provision of virtualized resources as a service via the Internet. This technology is poised to significantly influence the future of the educational sector. For educational institutions, especially those facing budget constraints, cloud computing offers an efficient solution to manage their information systems without the need for additional investment in computers and network devices. Universities, in particular, benefit from cloud-based applications provided by service vendors, allowing students and staff to perform both academic and administrative tasks. This paper will explore the potential of cloud computing infrastructure in education, particularly within universities where computer usage is extensive, and discuss strategies for maximizing the benefits of shared applications for students and educators. Keywords: Cloud computing, Organisations, Technology, Users, Education

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